Blog Posts

  • 8 Surprising Health Benefits during the Cold Weather

    Brrrr, it’s getting colder and colder each day this winter season. Here are some surprising health benefits that you may not have known were true.   Cooler temperatures boost your brain Cold temperatures help you to think clearly. When you set the room at a cooler temperature rather than a warm...
  • Napping

    With the Thanksgiving festivities finished, did anyone take a nap after their big meal? I know I wanted to after eating that amazing turkey and playing with my little cousins. The holiday season is a great time to sit back and relax and enjoy the company of family and friends. Naps are important to...
  • Eating a Well-Balanced Diet

    Eating a healthy, and balanced diet is important to have good health and help you to feel your best. Here are some ways to eat a balanced diet:   Keep each food group in your diet Include variety of food from the 5 main groups off of the MyPlate diagram Eat higher fiber foods like potatoes, bre...
  • Health Facts: Fats

    Did you know? Fats and oils are included in a healthy diet and play important roles in your body. But, they can have a positive or negative affect on your heart and arteries depending on what type of fat you eat.   Here are some helpful tips:   Eat less saturated fat, trans fat, and choles...
  • Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving

    With Thanksgiving fast approaching, I wanted to provide helpful tips for everyone to enjoy a healthy Thanksgiving. It’s a time of year to enjoy food, visit family, and take a moment to be thankful. During the holidays, it’s easy to binge on all the food that’s prepared. Here are some healthy tips fo...
  • What to Bring on a Day Hike

    This past weekend, my family and I went to Starved Rock State Park and spent the day hiking. The amount of times we have gone hiking we knew exactly what we needed to bring for this hiking trip. Some may not know what is important to bring while hiking.   Here is a list of the necessary items t...
  • Halloween Safety Tips

    Halloween Safety Tips   Here is a cool acronym on how to have a fun and Safe Halloween.   Swords, knives, and other costume accessories should be short, soft, and flexible Avoid trick or treating alone. Walk in groups or with an adult Fasten reflective tape to costumes and bags for drivers to see yo...
  • How to Stay Healthy During Halloween

    Fill Up First It is important to eat a healthy meal before a night out of trick or treating. It can help reduce the temptation of eating the candy while walking door to door. Bag the Monster Bag Pick a small bag for your child to carry their candy in while they walk around the neighborhood. Do not u...
  • Workouts for Home

    Beginner Push-ups When you are doing push-ups, make sure you keep the right form so you don’t hurt yourself. Keep your back straight and have your hands placed shoulder width apart. Set a goal of how many push-ups you want to do each day. Lunges For lunges, keep your knees at a 90-degree angle and i...