Reach Your Goals

People join the RiverPlex for many reasons. No matter your goal, we have the tools to help you achieve it. You’ll find more information on our various programs by clicking on the links.

Weight Loss

Losing weight is a common goal for joining the RiverPlex, but sometimes we can’t do it on willpower alone. Understanding how our body reacts to training and nutrition, and what obstacles others have faced on their journey, can help us succeed.

Personal Training

Small Group Training

Semi-Private Training

Group Exercise

Fitness Floor

Health Management Resources (HMR) program

Nutrition Coaching

Bod Pod & STYKU

Muscle Gain

Utilizing our strength machines and free weight area are the most popular ways members work to gain muscle, but that’s just the beginning of what we have to offer.

Weight room

Strength machines

Bod Pod & STYKU

Personal Training

Nutrition Coaching

Semi-Private Training

Develop or Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

  • Recreation leagues
  • Cardio & Strength machine
  • Smart Start Program

Improve Your Quality of Life

  • Arthritis services
  • Weight loss programs


Family Time

Family memberships at the RiverPlex let everyone in on the fun!

RiverPlex Success Stories

  • Anna Kinkade
  • Lori Mattiazza

Anna Kinkade

Brief summary of what you went through and how you got there.AnnaKinkade

I’ve always been a little over weight, living the lifestyle of my full time job working for a radio station. Always on the go, eating out a bars (where everything is deep fried) and washing it down with beers. For a long time I was even a smoker (No one ever believes this now when I tell them I used to smoke). I always thought that because I “worked out” I could continue to be that way. Eventually it caught up to me and then add in a boating accident/surgery and I was more than 30lbs overweight and pretty unhappy.

What made you get started in the first place with working out or eating healthy?

I felt like a hypocrite, I was teaching RPM at the time and I thought about how unhappy I was with my health/weight and how can I inspire someone to live healthier if I wasn’t living it on my own. I had already quit smoking year’s prior so it was time to go all in.

What drove you to keep going?

I set small goals, although I had the main goal of losing 30lbs I never viewed it as that, first I tried to lose just 10%, and when I did I got a small reward, like pedicure. Next, I aimed for 10lbs and rewarded again always making sure the rewards were non-food rewards. The goals were always small and realistic and each time I would reach one I felt more confident.

What challenges did you face along the way?

My job, the snacks and food that is delivered here on a weekly and sometimes daily bases plus the odd hours and being out at meal times. I still face those challenges today and I don’t always succeed but I do put a lot more planning into my nutrition and it helps.

When did you finally feel good about yourself?  What clicked that made that happen?

I had always been a “runner” but never felt or believed I was one. In my weight loss I decided to sign up and actually train for a 5k, in the 12 weeks of training I had lost 15lbs and ran the 5k like it was nothing, shortly after I reached my goal weight. That’s when I realized I can do anything I set my mind/heart to. I think what clicked was just looking at the numbers from day one of training to race day the amount of weight I lost and going from a size 14 to a 4.

If you could go back in time, what wisdom would you share with your past self?

To not let the fear of stepping outside my comfort zone, force me to stand still or take a step back because the magic really does happen outside of that zone.

Lori Mattiazza

Hi my name is Lori Mattiazza, and I have lost 140 pounds. My weight loss journey started about 5 years ago. I grew up in a town where you either drank or you ate, so I ate. I was always known as the funny fat girl, I would say that I hid behind my humor. I moved to Peoria to go to college here, in that process I was blessed with meeting incredible friends, who I didn’t realize at that moment were there to help me start my biggest journey in my life. Sitting on the bench as my friends played indoor soccer or cheering them on the sideline as they would finish races. I then realized how much my weight hindered my life. It was at that moment I finally wanted to take the steps to change. Within that year I started working at the Riverplex! I worked there over a year before I even stepped upstairs to begin working out. I was worried about what people would think of me, and quite honestly embarrassed. I realized that not only did I need to conquer exercise but conquer eating. That is when I joined weight watchers. I lost my first 100 with the program, it was great for me because it taught me the biggest obstacle with food DISCIPLINE. As the weight came off I realized how much I enjoyed working out and eating healthier foods. I joined Building Steam and completed my first 5k, I will never forget that feeling of crossing the finish line. From there I had more races, and then I completed my first half marathon. I remember thinking who is this girl? Two years before I couldn’t even go up a flight of stairs without getting winded to now running a half marathon. My journey continued and I started trying new things at the gym. I started to incorporate weights and high intensity cardio into my routine. When I lost 100lbs I realized how passionate I became about my nutrition and exercise. I then decided to tackle my diet on my own; so I now eat low carb/high protein. After that I lost another 40lbs. That brings me to today.  This journey is not over and it will never be over. The thing with weight loss is that you constantly have to work at it. Days are hard, some days I want to sleep in or I want to have that cookie, or have pizza with my friends. Not saying that you can’t have a balance. My transformation is still day by day. I still have more weight to lose, and some days I can get flustered and compare myself to people around me and then I have to sit back and look at the girl that I once was. I am so so thankful for the people that God placed in my life throughout this journey because without my friends cheering me on, trying new dishes, saying no to me, running beside me it would of made so much harder. This has been the hardest but yet most rewarding journey! From the girl who would sit and watch hours of television or escape through food. To now where I love to be active in form or way, and love to try new and healthy recipes. If you would of told me at over 300lbs that I would be where I am today I would of laughed at you☺ It took one small step, and then the next and the next….