Transformation Tuesday: Billie McKenzie

Ok so here goes nothing. My weight loss journey began about 7 years ago. I had a lot of health issues which caused me to have to have a hysterectomy when I was 30. The thought of having any children was gone. I was depressed and ate my feelings. I had to do something and I turned to running and taking workout classes. I played softball and volleyball but I never really did any exercise classes so that was new for me. I feel in love with running and haven’t stopped since. My first 5K was done in 56 mins and I was scared to death but I finished it and that’s all that mattered to me. After that my time kept getting faster and faster. Today I do weight watchers, jog and take classes at the RiverPlex. Do I have bad days still HELL YES I do but I have great family, friends, and exercise to help me out. I may not be able to have my own children but I have a great daughter at home who I have helped raised with my boyfriend and 2 wonderful nieces. I wouldn’t change anything.

author: Angela Bland